Do you seek an answer or do you seek the truth?
This question tends to make the doubter pause. When you are staring a potentially damaging case in the face, do you seek an answer or do you seek the truth? More importantly do the decision makers seek an answer or the truth?
There is a school of thought out there that says if any file containing sensitive data is accessed after the system is compromised, then analysis should stop right there, a line should be drawn and anything accessed post compromise date should be notified upon. I talked about it back in December when discussing footprints in the snow. Think on that for a moment. If a system in your organization is compromised and you run an antivirus scan and trample on Access times, it means you're done, you're notifying, and you're going to have a lot to answer for when your customers get a hold of you. You will not have given the case its due diligence.
In just a second you'll see a graph that I generated. It shows file system activity based on a mactime summary file. Take a few moments to analyze the graph. *I did have to truncate the data set. There were hundreds of thousands of files touched on 5/12*

Does it tell you anything? Imagine the system were compromised on 5/5/09. There are a few things that should stand out almost immediately; Such as the dramatic increase in file system activity beginning on 5/11 and continuing through 5/12. Or how about more simply that there is a story to be told here.
Do you seek an answer or the truth?
A person in search of an answer is going to get a response of "ZOMG the attacker stole a lot of data and you're notifying on every single file contained on the system that contains PII data". If you seek an answer you are not interested in the story that needs to be told, you are not interested in any of the details of the case. You want simply to put the matter to rest, get it behind you and move on to the next case that will be decided by the uninformed.
A truth seeker will ask what happened on 5/11 and 5/12. A truth seeker will interview key individuals, a truth seeker will evaluate the log files present on the system and many other data points to determine what the cause was. A truth seeker will want to hear the story based on your expert opinion, which you reached by examining all sources of data.
A truth seeker will take interest upon hearing that the system administrator not only scanned the hard drive for malware, but he copied hundreds of thousands of files from the drive. A truth seeker will want to see the keystroke log files. A truth seeker will thank you for decrypting the configuration file and output used by the attacker to determine intent and risk. A truth seeker will ask you to look at network logs and a variety of other sources of data to reach a conclusion and render an opinion.
So, the next time someone questions your methodology ask them if they want an answer or the truth. If all they want is an answer, more power to them, ignorance is bliss after all but there is always a story to be told.
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