I had the pleasure of sitting down the other day with a technology law professor and we began discussing the issues surrounding memory capture. Not only the impact that a collection might have on a system and how a lawyer might attack that capture being presented as evidence, but the fact that the industry lacks standards and follows best practices, which presents its own set of issues.
I was pointed to a tort case involving tugboats of all things. The case of the TJ hooper is a rather important one it would seem. As this is an oft-cited case, I'll leave it to readers to google for it. In short, the case surrounded a cargo company, a transport company and a barge company. The transportation company assigned a number of tugboats to pull the barges along the atlantic coastline from Virginia to New Jersey. The cargo was lost in a storm and the cargo company claimed the barge company was at fault. The barge company in turn claimed it was the fault of the towing company. Not for any real fault of the tugboats - they were seaworthy vessels structurally. The judge however decided the tugs were unseaworthy because they did not have radios onboard.
Radios on tugboats in 1928...This was not the standard, or even common place in that era. However, some companies did have them. It was argued that radios were a best practice, and that the tug company should be faulted for not having them. The case ended up being about custom versus negligence. Was it customary for tugs to carry radios, and was the tug company negligent for not carrying them.
The professor I spoke with termed this "keeping up with the joneses" and said it was up to us to set the current best practices and ensure that these best practices are followed by all practitioners, lest they be held liable for negligence because others are performing live response and memory captures.
So, what is current best practice for live response?
Many would say that current best practice is to capture memory before doing anything else on the system, because it is the most volatile source of data.
I support this as a best practice, however there's a major problem with this idea; Judgement. The issue with following best practice rather than a standard is that judgement calls must be made. Make the wrong judgement call and you could be held liable for negligence. So, perhaps the industry needs to define cases for the application of best practice. Undoubtedly someone will respond to this and claim that these cases have already been defined. I would argue that sure they've been defined, but only in a cursory manner, and I would ask in what location can I find these best practices stated and which is actually the best practice when opinions differ?
Do we then begin to claim that one person is more credentialed than another and therefore the less credible persons opinions are not to be followed?
Other questions that some would ask:
When should you use a USB key instead of a network capture?
Should you capture memory twice during your response(before and after execution of response tools)?
EDIT 8/2/07: This bears clarification. It's been suggested that memory captures be taken twice during a response effort from two different devices. I've also been asked the above question before.
Is it best practice to capture memory before doing anything else on the system, even though the time it takes to capture memory can be prohibitive?
If you're in a race against time what do you do?
Do you need to run 40 tools in a script, when much of that information can be gathered from memory?
Do you need to run 40 tools in a script when 20 will suffice?
So, when you're performing a live response, remember the TJ hooper, and since we all follow best practice due to lack of standard, unless we all start dancing to the same tune, negligence will be hanging overhead at every turn.
EDIT: When I say I want cases, I don't literally mean legal cases, although it would be nice to have those as well. I was referring to cases as scenarios for when to and when not to do certain things.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
A did you know
Quite some time ago, Tableau stated that they'd be providing the ability to remove HPA and DCO's using their write blockers. Well, that day has come and gone. The Tableau Disk monitor tool provides this capability on windows. Cool. Now it seems according to Tim of sentinel-chicken that there is a linux equivalent to the HPA/DCO removal capability. VERY COOL! The tool is called tableau-parm and it's a command line interface. I'll be trying this tool out presently.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Modeling a scene
I always wanted to do something fancy for a presentation when it came to describing how I found a scene. Sure, you can use visio, or autocad if you want to get super fancy, or even some real expensive modeling software for crime scenes. I decided to experiment with modeling a simple sample scene today in google sketchup. It took me about 20 minutes, mainly because I'm new to the program in this capacity, however I really like what this program can do. It's easy to learn, has video tutorials, and models are abundant. Anyways, I exported my model to a 2d jpg(with varying degrees of detail)because there's no way to post a 3d model that I know of. The 3d model is much much better but oh well.
What do others use for modeling a scene?

What do others use for modeling a scene?

Monday, July 16, 2007
musings on bridging the gap and the blue wall
For a few years I've been trying to figure out how to pierce the blue wall to bridge the gap between law enforcement (government, state and local) such that people like myself can actually do some good with their skills. Why? Well when in school, after completing a project(details for those of you who are bored at the bottom), my CRJU prof said that LE could probably use a person like me. I found it inspiring at the time.
Some things I've learned along the way.
1) PD's don't respond to people
2) Pro-bono offerings don't get you anywhere
3) You must be "inned"
4) It takes a cop to work with them, or a professor
5) They don't want civilians seeing ugly all day long
There's a story here...I visited a state police cybercrime lab and spoke with the folks there. 60% of their cases were CP. I looked at the current pending cases board on the wall inside the exam room, and fully 90% of the cases at that time were CP. When asked what it's like, one examiner said "I see ugly all day long, I see it at work, I see it at home, I never stop seeing ugly, but I do what I can". Dealing with CP is tough work and this above all the other reasons is the one I can sympathize with.
For the most part, I'd be lying if I said I understood many of the reasons behind excluding the other half of the industry however I'm no fool, and no longer kid myself. The truth is, I'll never understand until I'm in the shoes of a LEO. Sure, I know several of them and I've heard stories, but that doesn't mean much, and it's not likely that I'd become an LEO.
As I've not yet been able to pierce the blue wall I offer an open invitation to anyone reading this blog that's a member of law enforcement of any kind. If there's anything that can be done(application analysis, testing, validation etc.) by a person such as myself, just shoot me a message. I have no hopes of contact, but like you all, I do what I can. If only LEO's would express their needs, the industry(commercial and individuals) I think could help. I've been all over the web, and I can't recall seeing an LEO sharing what it is that would help them the most. To that end I say keep on fighting the good fight, I'll continue to support the PBA, and just remember, there are people like me all over.
Thoughts, comments?
What was that project? Well, it was a mock search for a victim in an open area. We were given a scenario in one of my criminal investigation courses and asked to analyze the scene and determine a search pattern. I got a little crazy and went up in an airplane in January to take some aerials. Damn that was cold but so much fun. Some photos for your enjoyment(Thanks picasa!)..
One of many photos taken:

and my zone overlay.
Some things I've learned along the way.
1) PD's don't respond to people
2) Pro-bono offerings don't get you anywhere
3) You must be "inned"
4) It takes a cop to work with them, or a professor
5) They don't want civilians seeing ugly all day long
There's a story here...I visited a state police cybercrime lab and spoke with the folks there. 60% of their cases were CP. I looked at the current pending cases board on the wall inside the exam room, and fully 90% of the cases at that time were CP. When asked what it's like, one examiner said "I see ugly all day long, I see it at work, I see it at home, I never stop seeing ugly, but I do what I can". Dealing with CP is tough work and this above all the other reasons is the one I can sympathize with.
For the most part, I'd be lying if I said I understood many of the reasons behind excluding the other half of the industry however I'm no fool, and no longer kid myself. The truth is, I'll never understand until I'm in the shoes of a LEO. Sure, I know several of them and I've heard stories, but that doesn't mean much, and it's not likely that I'd become an LEO.
As I've not yet been able to pierce the blue wall I offer an open invitation to anyone reading this blog that's a member of law enforcement of any kind. If there's anything that can be done(application analysis, testing, validation etc.) by a person such as myself, just shoot me a message. I have no hopes of contact, but like you all, I do what I can. If only LEO's would express their needs, the industry(commercial and individuals) I think could help. I've been all over the web, and I can't recall seeing an LEO sharing what it is that would help them the most. To that end I say keep on fighting the good fight, I'll continue to support the PBA, and just remember, there are people like me all over.
Thoughts, comments?
What was that project? Well, it was a mock search for a victim in an open area. We were given a scenario in one of my criminal investigation courses and asked to analyze the scene and determine a search pattern. I got a little crazy and went up in an airplane in January to take some aerials. Damn that was cold but so much fun. Some photos for your enjoyment(Thanks picasa!)..
One of many photos taken:
and my zone overlay.

Saturday, July 14, 2007
The rise of network forensics
I am starting to think that "network forensics" is going to quickly become the next "big thing"(TM) in the digital forensics discipline.
Well, what is network forensics?
by definition:Network forensics is the capture, recording, and analysis of network events in order to discover the source of security attacks or other problem incidents.
Unfortunately, that's the only definition I could actually find. Why is that I wonder? Perhaps because there is no such thing as network forensics? Is it just really another name for network security monitoring or intrusion analysis?
NSM is the collection, analysis and escalation of indications and warnings to detect and respond to intrusions. Intrusion analysis is much the same.
Let's look at a few of the tools used for each shall we?
net flows(cisco, argus etc)
Snort or other IDS
These are obviously only a few tools, many open source. Either way, they are multi-purpose tools used for things like protocol analysis, traffic analysis, intrusion analysis, security monitoring and now...network forensics? Let's be honest with ourselves, network "forensics" appears to be just a buzzword for what's been done for years in the analyst field. There's nothing "forensic" about it..or is there?
So, where does the "forensic" component come in to play? Simple. Collection, preservation, and presentation as evidence.
Network forensics has many criteria that must be met in order for it to be useful as evidence.
My initial thoughts...
1) It must be complete
Whether it's session data, full content, alert or other, it must be complete. A capture that's missing packets could be seen as damaging to a case. A capture system must be capable of keeping up with the network it's connected to. Anomaly systems like Qradar that decide what to capture content on, or not, should not be used as evidence because the capture will be incomplete. A partial capture could be used to perhaps get a wiretap, or warrant but presenting it as fact or of evidentiary value would jeopardize a case in my opinion.
2) It must be authentic
Captures must be proven to be authentic. Hashing routines should be run as a capture log rolls over or each packet should be hashed as it's stored, before the analysis begins. In addition, the capture should be done by two independent systems if possible.
3) Time is critical
The collection system must be synched, and any time disparity must be accounted for.
4) Analysis systems need logging capabilities.
An analyst looking at a network capture to be used as evidence must allow for logging of the actions of the analyst.
5) Anyone presenting network based evidence must be trained in packet and protocol analysis, not simply the tools used.
In my opinion, being able to read a packets content in depth and being able to accurately interpret and analyze it is of utmost importance. Being able to explain the why's and how's is critical. It's easy to jump to conclusions that are incorrect with network based evidence. Richard rebuffs here. And here is an incorrect conclusion. It's very easy to do since many scenarios will fit a similar signature.
6) It must be used in conjuction with host based forensics if possible.
Of course, not every scenario is ideal, but remember that the power of digital evidence is in the ability to corroborate. Corporal and Environmental evidence should be used to corroborate each other if an accurate reconstruction is to take place. The value of the evidence will be bolstered if the two sources support each other.
7) Sensor deployment must be appropriate.
It does almost no good to deploy a sensor at the perimeter if the attack is internal. It might make sense to deploy multiple sensors in this type of case. Care must be taken to deploy at the right time and location.
What are others thoughts on the subject of network forensics? Is it snake oil, or a bonafide digital forensics specialty?
Well, what is network forensics?
by definition:Network forensics is the capture, recording, and analysis of network events in order to discover the source of security attacks or other problem incidents.
Unfortunately, that's the only definition I could actually find. Why is that I wonder? Perhaps because there is no such thing as network forensics? Is it just really another name for network security monitoring or intrusion analysis?
NSM is the collection, analysis and escalation of indications and warnings to detect and respond to intrusions. Intrusion analysis is much the same.
Let's look at a few of the tools used for each shall we?
net flows(cisco, argus etc)
Snort or other IDS
These are obviously only a few tools, many open source. Either way, they are multi-purpose tools used for things like protocol analysis, traffic analysis, intrusion analysis, security monitoring and now...network forensics? Let's be honest with ourselves, network "forensics" appears to be just a buzzword for what's been done for years in the analyst field. There's nothing "forensic" about it..or is there?
So, where does the "forensic" component come in to play? Simple. Collection, preservation, and presentation as evidence.
Network forensics has many criteria that must be met in order for it to be useful as evidence.
My initial thoughts...
1) It must be complete
Whether it's session data, full content, alert or other, it must be complete. A capture that's missing packets could be seen as damaging to a case. A capture system must be capable of keeping up with the network it's connected to. Anomaly systems like Qradar that decide what to capture content on, or not, should not be used as evidence because the capture will be incomplete. A partial capture could be used to perhaps get a wiretap, or warrant but presenting it as fact or of evidentiary value would jeopardize a case in my opinion.
2) It must be authentic
Captures must be proven to be authentic. Hashing routines should be run as a capture log rolls over or each packet should be hashed as it's stored, before the analysis begins. In addition, the capture should be done by two independent systems if possible.
3) Time is critical
The collection system must be synched, and any time disparity must be accounted for.
4) Analysis systems need logging capabilities.
An analyst looking at a network capture to be used as evidence must allow for logging of the actions of the analyst.
5) Anyone presenting network based evidence must be trained in packet and protocol analysis, not simply the tools used.
In my opinion, being able to read a packets content in depth and being able to accurately interpret and analyze it is of utmost importance. Being able to explain the why's and how's is critical. It's easy to jump to conclusions that are incorrect with network based evidence. Richard rebuffs here. And here is an incorrect conclusion. It's very easy to do since many scenarios will fit a similar signature.
6) It must be used in conjuction with host based forensics if possible.
Of course, not every scenario is ideal, but remember that the power of digital evidence is in the ability to corroborate. Corporal and Environmental evidence should be used to corroborate each other if an accurate reconstruction is to take place. The value of the evidence will be bolstered if the two sources support each other.
7) Sensor deployment must be appropriate.
It does almost no good to deploy a sensor at the perimeter if the attack is internal. It might make sense to deploy multiple sensors in this type of case. Care must be taken to deploy at the right time and location.
What are others thoughts on the subject of network forensics? Is it snake oil, or a bonafide digital forensics specialty?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Determining memory consumption
As I've been developing the methodology I talked about previously , one of the problem areas that's arisen is determining system impact. One component of impact is determining memory consumption. There's a lot of work to be done here because of the complexity of memory management, and there's a lot of work being done currently. If we're after precision, we need to know how many pages have been allocated to a process, how many are used, if they are in swap or resident in memory, what was previously in those pages, and what's in them now.
I started working on a primitive method to determine memory consumption. Note I said consumption rather than displacement, since determining displacement requires a lot of wrench time.
One such method to maybe start determining consumption is to use the debugging tools from Microsoft. The two tools I'll use here are windbg and cdb(same tool actually..just one is command line).
The tool I'm checking out, is another tool included in the debugging toolkit, also used in incident response and live response scenarios.
So..here goes.
fire up a command prompt and run this:
C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows>cdb.exe -y http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols -o tlist.exe -t
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.7.0005.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
CommandLine: tlist -t
Symbol search path is: http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Executable search path is:
ModLoad: 01000000 012dd000 tlist.exe
ModLoad: 7c900000 7c9b0000 ntdll.dll
ModLoad: 7c800000 7c8f4000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
ModLoad: 77c10000 77c68000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
ModLoad: 03000000 03116000 C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\dbghel
ModLoad: 77dd0000 77e6b000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
ModLoad: 77e70000 77f01000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
ModLoad: 77c00000 77c08000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
ModLoad: 7e410000 7e4a0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
ModLoad: 77f10000 77f57000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
ModLoad: 774e0000 7761d000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
ModLoad: 77120000 771ac000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
(7c.f90): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
eax=00181eb4 ebx=7ffd5000 ecx=00000001 edx=00000002 esi=00181f48 edi=00181eb4
eip=7c901230 esp=0006fb20 ebp=0006fc94 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000202
7c901230 cc int 3
Ok so that's good. Now we're stepping in to the tlist process and we've reached the first breakpoint. Now, fire up windbg and attach to the kernel (CTRL+K), select local and start with !process 0 0 to get a list of processes that are active.
lkd> !process 0 0
PROCESS 82b7c020 SessionId: 0 Cid: 007c Peb: 7ffd5000 ParentCid: 0da8
DirBase: 03660360 ObjectTable: e12f6a48 HandleCount: 7.
Image: tlist.exe
Aha, here's tlist. Now, we can key in on the process (output truncated):
lkd> !process 82b7c020
PROCESS 82b7c020 SessionId: 0 Cid: 007c Peb: 7ffd5000 ParentCid: 0da8
DirBase: 03660360 ObjectTable: e12f6a48 HandleCount: 7.
Image: tlist.exe
VadRoot 829ff7f8 Vads 27 Clone 0 Private 46. Modified 0. Locked 0.
DeviceMap e1b2efd0
Token e1165d48
ElapsedTime 00:05:54.546
UserTime 00:00:00.015
KernelTime 00:00:00.062
QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool] 27892
QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool] 1080
Working Set Sizes (now,min,max) (236, 50, 345) (944KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
PeakWorkingSetSize 236
VirtualSize 12 Mb
PeakVirtualSize 12 Mb
PageFaultCount 228
MemoryPriority BACKGROUND
BasePriority 8
CommitCharge 829
DebugPort 82e50a60
Look at the bolded text. We can see the process working set size. At present, the tlist process has been allocated 236 pages of memory at 4k. Multiply 236 * 4 and you'll get 944K. So, at the initial BP we see that tlist is "using" 944K of memory.
In the CDB window, if you tell it to 'go' by typing 'g' we'll see what happens to memory usage.
0:000> g
System Process (0)
System (4)
smss.exe (604)
csrss.exe (652)
winlogon.exe (676)
services.exe (720)
svchost.exe (904)
svchost.exe (1004)
svchost.exe (1116)
wuauclt.exe (3272)
svchost.exe (1232)
svchost.exe (1412)
ccSetMgr.exe (1608)
ccEvtMgr.exe (1656)
SPBBCSvc.exe (1772)
spoolsv.exe (428)
DefWatch.exe (332)
Rtvscan.exe (1100) Scan
VMwareService.exe (1384)
alg.exe (1976)
svchost.exe (1916)
wmiapsrv.exe (1444)
lsass.exe (740)
explorer.exe (1528) Program Manager
VMwareTray.exe (632)
VMwareUser.exe (940)
ccApp.exe (944)
VPTray.exe (816) Missing Virus Definitions
PicasaMediaDetector.exe (936) Picasa Media Detector
taskmgr.exe (3252) Windows Task Manager
cmd.exe (3904) Command Prompt - cdb.exe -y http://msdl.microsoft.com/download
/symbols -o tlist -t
windbg.exe (3500) Windows Driver Kit: Debugging Tools
cdb.exe (3496)
tlist.exe (124)
mmc.exe (3216) Performance
hh.exe (4092) Windows Driver Kit: Debugging Tools
eax=0300b7f8 ebx=00000000 ecx=002643e8 edx=00260608 esi=7c90e88e edi=00000000
eip=7c90eb94 esp=0006fe44 ebp=0006ff40 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246
7c90eb94 c3 ret
Groovy, now we get our tlist output and the tool is done running. However, since we haven't freed the process from the debugger, we have a thread in wait state, which means we can figure out how much memory our process actually consumed:
key in on the same process as before in windbg and you'll see the following:
lkd> !process 82b7c020
PROCESS 82b7c020 SessionId: 0 Cid: 007c Peb: 7ffd5000 ParentCid: 0da8
DirBase: 03660360 ObjectTable: e12f6a48 HandleCount: 22.
Image: tlist.exe
VadRoot 82bc3840 Vads 36 Clone 0 Private 380. Modified 0. Locked 0.
DeviceMap e1b2efd0
Token e1165d48
ElapsedTime 00:12:59.265
UserTime 00:00:00.015
KernelTime 00:00:00.140
QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool] 38236
QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool] 1440
Working Set Sizes (now,min,max) (771, 50, 345) (3084KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
PeakWorkingSetSize 771
VirtualSize 18 Mb
PeakVirtualSize 19 Mb
PageFaultCount 765
MemoryPriority BACKGROUND
BasePriority 8
CommitCharge 1120
DebugPort 82e50a60
So, we see 3084K has been "used", but can that possibly be accurate? The answer of course is no. There are several factors at play.
1) This was run from a debugger - this adds memory allocated to the process to account for debugging.
2) There is shared memory being used by other DLL's.
3) The working set is not representative of memory actually used by the process. It's representative of the memory(shared, virtual, physical) allocated to the process, but not necessarily that which is consumed(or resident). In addition, Microsoft's documentation on MSDN is inconsistent(surprise, surprise) in describing what's actually included in the working set.
4) The working set is what is recorded by the task manager, which is inaccurate.
So, where does this leave us? Well, in terms of precision and accuracy for determining memory consumption for a process, the working set is not the answer because the allocation hasn't necessarily been consumed, maybe the private bytes associated with a process is what we need to focus on but the real question is, and this has yet to be answered..what's good enough? I'm thinking that maybe the working set size is good enough, but not necessarily precise.
Next steps? Boot a system in debug mode and attach a kernel debugger to it while it's live.
EDITS: the url is download, not downloads.
I started working on a primitive method to determine memory consumption. Note I said consumption rather than displacement, since determining displacement requires a lot of wrench time.
One such method to maybe start determining consumption is to use the debugging tools from Microsoft. The two tools I'll use here are windbg and cdb(same tool actually..just one is command line).
The tool I'm checking out, is another tool included in the debugging toolkit, also used in incident response and live response scenarios.
So..here goes.
fire up a command prompt and run this:
C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows>cdb.exe -y http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols -o tlist.exe -t
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.7.0005.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
CommandLine: tlist -t
Symbol search path is: http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
Executable search path is:
ModLoad: 01000000 012dd000 tlist.exe
ModLoad: 7c900000 7c9b0000 ntdll.dll
ModLoad: 7c800000 7c8f4000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
ModLoad: 77c10000 77c68000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
ModLoad: 03000000 03116000 C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows\dbghel
ModLoad: 77dd0000 77e6b000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
ModLoad: 77e70000 77f01000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
ModLoad: 77c00000 77c08000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll
ModLoad: 7e410000 7e4a0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
ModLoad: 77f10000 77f57000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
ModLoad: 774e0000 7761d000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
ModLoad: 77120000 771ac000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
(7c.f90): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
eax=00181eb4 ebx=7ffd5000 ecx=00000001 edx=00000002 esi=00181f48 edi=00181eb4
eip=7c901230 esp=0006fb20 ebp=0006fc94 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000202
7c901230 cc int 3
Ok so that's good. Now we're stepping in to the tlist process and we've reached the first breakpoint. Now, fire up windbg and attach to the kernel (CTRL+K), select local and start with !process 0 0 to get a list of processes that are active.
lkd> !process 0 0
PROCESS 82b7c020 SessionId: 0 Cid: 007c Peb: 7ffd5000 ParentCid: 0da8
DirBase: 03660360 ObjectTable: e12f6a48 HandleCount: 7.
Image: tlist.exe
Aha, here's tlist. Now, we can key in on the process (output truncated):
lkd> !process 82b7c020
PROCESS 82b7c020 SessionId: 0 Cid: 007c Peb: 7ffd5000 ParentCid: 0da8
DirBase: 03660360 ObjectTable: e12f6a48 HandleCount: 7.
Image: tlist.exe
VadRoot 829ff7f8 Vads 27 Clone 0 Private 46. Modified 0. Locked 0.
DeviceMap e1b2efd0
Token e1165d48
ElapsedTime 00:05:54.546
UserTime 00:00:00.015
KernelTime 00:00:00.062
QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool] 27892
QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool] 1080
Working Set Sizes (now,min,max) (236, 50, 345) (944KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
PeakWorkingSetSize 236
VirtualSize 12 Mb
PeakVirtualSize 12 Mb
PageFaultCount 228
MemoryPriority BACKGROUND
BasePriority 8
CommitCharge 829
DebugPort 82e50a60
Look at the bolded text. We can see the process working set size. At present, the tlist process has been allocated 236 pages of memory at 4k. Multiply 236 * 4 and you'll get 944K. So, at the initial BP we see that tlist is "using" 944K of memory.
In the CDB window, if you tell it to 'go' by typing 'g' we'll see what happens to memory usage.
0:000> g
System Process (0)
System (4)
smss.exe (604)
csrss.exe (652)
winlogon.exe (676)
services.exe (720)
svchost.exe (904)
svchost.exe (1004)
svchost.exe (1116)
wuauclt.exe (3272)
svchost.exe (1232)
svchost.exe (1412)
ccSetMgr.exe (1608)
ccEvtMgr.exe (1656)
SPBBCSvc.exe (1772)
spoolsv.exe (428)
DefWatch.exe (332)
Rtvscan.exe (1100) Scan
VMwareService.exe (1384)
alg.exe (1976)
svchost.exe (1916)
wmiapsrv.exe (1444)
lsass.exe (740)
explorer.exe (1528) Program Manager
VMwareTray.exe (632)
VMwareUser.exe (940)
ccApp.exe (944)
VPTray.exe (816) Missing Virus Definitions
PicasaMediaDetector.exe (936) Picasa Media Detector
taskmgr.exe (3252) Windows Task Manager
cmd.exe (3904) Command Prompt - cdb.exe -y http://msdl.microsoft.com/download
/symbols -o tlist -t
windbg.exe (3500) Windows Driver Kit: Debugging Tools
cdb.exe (3496)
tlist.exe (124)
mmc.exe (3216) Performance
hh.exe (4092) Windows Driver Kit: Debugging Tools
eax=0300b7f8 ebx=00000000 ecx=002643e8 edx=00260608 esi=7c90e88e edi=00000000
eip=7c90eb94 esp=0006fe44 ebp=0006ff40 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246
7c90eb94 c3 ret
Groovy, now we get our tlist output and the tool is done running. However, since we haven't freed the process from the debugger, we have a thread in wait state, which means we can figure out how much memory our process actually consumed:
key in on the same process as before in windbg and you'll see the following:
lkd> !process 82b7c020
PROCESS 82b7c020 SessionId: 0 Cid: 007c Peb: 7ffd5000 ParentCid: 0da8
DirBase: 03660360 ObjectTable: e12f6a48 HandleCount: 22.
Image: tlist.exe
VadRoot 82bc3840 Vads 36 Clone 0 Private 380. Modified 0. Locked 0.
DeviceMap e1b2efd0
Token e1165d48
ElapsedTime 00:12:59.265
UserTime 00:00:00.015
KernelTime 00:00:00.140
QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool] 38236
QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool] 1440
Working Set Sizes (now,min,max) (771, 50, 345) (3084KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
PeakWorkingSetSize 771
VirtualSize 18 Mb
PeakVirtualSize 19 Mb
PageFaultCount 765
MemoryPriority BACKGROUND
BasePriority 8
CommitCharge 1120
DebugPort 82e50a60
So, we see 3084K has been "used", but can that possibly be accurate? The answer of course is no. There are several factors at play.
1) This was run from a debugger - this adds memory allocated to the process to account for debugging.
2) There is shared memory being used by other DLL's.
3) The working set is not representative of memory actually used by the process. It's representative of the memory(shared, virtual, physical) allocated to the process, but not necessarily that which is consumed(or resident). In addition, Microsoft's documentation on MSDN is inconsistent(surprise, surprise) in describing what's actually included in the working set.
4) The working set is what is recorded by the task manager, which is inaccurate.
So, where does this leave us? Well, in terms of precision and accuracy for determining memory consumption for a process, the working set is not the answer because the allocation hasn't necessarily been consumed, maybe the private bytes associated with a process is what we need to focus on but the real question is, and this has yet to be answered..what's good enough? I'm thinking that maybe the working set size is good enough, but not necessarily precise.
Next steps? Boot a system in debug mode and attach a kernel debugger to it while it's live.
EDITS: the url is download, not downloads.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
New ACPO guidelines
The ACPO released their new guidelines recently. I really have to hand it to the ACPO for reviewing their own guidelines on a regular basis and keeping up with new techniques and technology.
Of particular interest in the document is the Network Forensics and Volatile data section.
"By profiling the forensic footprint of
trusted volatile data forensic tools, an investigator will be
in a position to understand the impact of using such tools
and will therefore consider this during the investigation
and when presenting evidence."
It's about time that this statement was made in an official manner. While I'm in the process of actually defining a methodology to run these tests, it's really nice to see this.
It was also important for the ACPO to include the note about the Trojan Defense.
"Considering a potential Trojan defence, investigators
should consider collecting volatile evidence. Very often,
this volatile data can be used to help an investigator
support or refute the presence of an active backdoor."
Great inclusion!
The ACPO seems to hint at the requirement to add network forensics procedures due to trojan defense claims and the apparently large amount of claims that "the trojan did it".
Any of you fine folks across the pond have a metric for the number of claims?
It would also seem as if Network Forensics will be a major focal point in the upcoming months for many investigators.
I have to commend the ACPO for releasing these guidelines, it's a great resource.
Of particular interest in the document is the Network Forensics and Volatile data section.
"By profiling the forensic footprint of
trusted volatile data forensic tools, an investigator will be
in a position to understand the impact of using such tools
and will therefore consider this during the investigation
and when presenting evidence."
It's about time that this statement was made in an official manner. While I'm in the process of actually defining a methodology to run these tests, it's really nice to see this.
It was also important for the ACPO to include the note about the Trojan Defense.
"Considering a potential Trojan defence, investigators
should consider collecting volatile evidence. Very often,
this volatile data can be used to help an investigator
support or refute the presence of an active backdoor."
Great inclusion!
The ACPO seems to hint at the requirement to add network forensics procedures due to trojan defense claims and the apparently large amount of claims that "the trojan did it".
Any of you fine folks across the pond have a metric for the number of claims?
It would also seem as if Network Forensics will be a major focal point in the upcoming months for many investigators.
I have to commend the ACPO for releasing these guidelines, it's a great resource.
A peer review - DOJ methodology
Back in April, after I posted on peer reviews and how no one shared their methodologies I was a little surprised that the responses were few. However, Ovie from Cyberspeak decided to send me something he picked up from the DOJ. Thanks Ovie!
First, here's Ovie's disclaimer.
Again, this is not a cyberspeak product it was produced by the Department of Justice, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section and they said it had no copyright so people were free to use it however they want.
So, here is the methodology:

Look at all the purdy colors! I must assume first off that there is a glossary for many of the terms listed in the flowchart because this is a very high level overview of the process.
From the get-go there is one thing missing. Validation of the hardware to be used by the examiner. Similar to calibration of the radar detectors before you go out and try to get someone for speeding. There's a block that says "setup forensic hardware" so maybe it's actually buried there but I don't see it.
There's also no mention of scanning for malware. While this isn't foolproof, it's a must for any analysis procedure in my opinion.
I personally don't care for the use of the word triage in this methodology. It just doesn't fit with the section it's listed under. I'd say "data identification/processing" rather than triage. There's really no triage happening here. If someone wanted to add something reminiscent of triage to this phase, they should add a method of prioritization of forensic data sources to be analyzed. In fact, adding that would fit with the arrow along the bottom where ROI diminishes once enough evidence is obtained for prosecution. Prioritizing would meld nicely here.
Data Analysis: Again, there is no mention of scanning for malware.
What I find really interesting is in the Data Search Lead List. There's mention of attempting to reconstruct an environment or database to mimic the original. Kudos to the DOJ for acknowledging the power of reconstruction!
This document provides a really great overview of the forensics process, but it raises a lot of questions about the guts of the process rather than the overview but I'm really happy that Ovie decided to send this along. This is the kind of stuff we need to start sharing if we're ever to narrow the gap that divides this industry and holds it back. If anyone else wants to send something to me, I'd be happy to take a look and send you my feedback. If you have a step-by-step, I'll even run it through a validation process.
For you Binary geeks....
Have a look at the at the bottom of the ROI arrow. There's something interesting in there..
First, here's Ovie's disclaimer.
Again, this is not a cyberspeak product it was produced by the Department of Justice, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section and they said it had no copyright so people were free to use it however they want.
So, here is the methodology:

Look at all the purdy colors! I must assume first off that there is a glossary for many of the terms listed in the flowchart because this is a very high level overview of the process.
From the get-go there is one thing missing. Validation of the hardware to be used by the examiner. Similar to calibration of the radar detectors before you go out and try to get someone for speeding. There's a block that says "setup forensic hardware" so maybe it's actually buried there but I don't see it.
There's also no mention of scanning for malware. While this isn't foolproof, it's a must for any analysis procedure in my opinion.
I personally don't care for the use of the word triage in this methodology. It just doesn't fit with the section it's listed under. I'd say "data identification/processing" rather than triage. There's really no triage happening here. If someone wanted to add something reminiscent of triage to this phase, they should add a method of prioritization of forensic data sources to be analyzed. In fact, adding that would fit with the arrow along the bottom where ROI diminishes once enough evidence is obtained for prosecution. Prioritizing would meld nicely here.
Data Analysis: Again, there is no mention of scanning for malware.
What I find really interesting is in the Data Search Lead List. There's mention of attempting to reconstruct an environment or database to mimic the original. Kudos to the DOJ for acknowledging the power of reconstruction!
This document provides a really great overview of the forensics process, but it raises a lot of questions about the guts of the process rather than the overview but I'm really happy that Ovie decided to send this along. This is the kind of stuff we need to start sharing if we're ever to narrow the gap that divides this industry and holds it back. If anyone else wants to send something to me, I'd be happy to take a look and send you my feedback. If you have a step-by-step, I'll even run it through a validation process.
For you Binary geeks....
Have a look at the at the bottom of the ROI arrow. There's something interesting in there..
When my son was born I decided it would be a good time to organize all of the photos I'd taken to date. I had experience with Picasa as a blogger, since picasaweb is associated with this blog, that is to say all of the images posted here have been indexed on picasaweb.
I went ahead and downloaded picasa. Installation was quick and right after install, picasa wants to scan your entire hard drive for images so it can organize them. Cool! I was amazed at what was found on my computer in that I had forgotten about the presentation material I'd created a few years ago.
Anyways, I figured it would be worth it to run an analysis of picasa and share what I've found so far.
File Locations:
C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\
Registry Locations:
"lastmypics"="\\serutciP yM\\stnemucoD yM\\ylfgoh\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C"
"lastmydocs"="\\stnemucoD yM\\ylfgoh\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C"
"lastdesktop"="\\potkseD\\ylfgoh\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C"
"Picasa Notifier"="rect(779 426 800 475)"
"mainwinpos"="rect(0 0 800 574)"
"AppPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Picasa2\\Picasa2.exe"
Ok, there's a lot there in the registry, and I'll start with preferences. Most of it's pretty straight forward, except for the paths that are reversed (what in the world is that all about?). Of particular value, is the last album selected. This value gets updated when picasa closes. It appears to be an MD5sum - probably of the timedate and name of the album combined. However, there's an easier way to determine what the value is.
in the db2 directory there are a number of files. The important files for this are albumdata_token.pmp, albumdata_uid.pmp and albumdata_name.pmp
Here are the contents of the files:
albumdata_name.pmp - this is the name of the albums in picasa. The first two are defaults and are not included in any of the other files.
Starred Photos
Sample Pictures
albumdata_uid.pmp - This is where the hashes are.
albumdata_token.pmp - Here's we see the uid applied to create a token for the albums. Note that "star" and "screensaver" do not have uids.
Now, if we look at the lastalbumselected value in the registry, we can pair it up to the hash since these files are all listed in the same order. If you exclude star and screensaver you can see that the lastalbumselected for me was sam3.
You can even go one step further if you include albumdata_filename.pmp. This file also matches up to the other files, except I forgot to mention one thing. "root" is literally the root of the logical drive that picasa searched(in this case C:), so it is excluded from albumdata_filename.pmp. This file contains the path to where the images are stored.
Other files to pay attention to:
These all follow the good old thumbs.db structure and contain thumbnails of all of the images at various resolutions, since picasa can send files directly to photo processing businesses.
One other thing that is of pretty vital importance in terms of proving that someone created an album and that the program didn't just index something.
In the Picasa2Albums directory you'll see a file for each of the album(s) created by the user under the folder using the DBID as its name. Below are the contents of the album I created stored in a file named c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d.pal.
* I had to remove the leading bracket as blogger wanted to parse it *
'property name="uid" type="string" value="c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d">
'property name="category" type="num" value="0">
'property name="date" type="real64" value="39272.630035">
'property name="token" type="string" value="]album:c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d">
'property name="name" type="string" value="Sammy">
It's pretty self explanatory. You can see the DBID (happens to match the updateid, so that's good), you see the albumid which as I've already shown, ties to Sammy. One oddity, is the Real64 date value. Real64 is a float data type using 64 bits, but I've never run across it for a date stamp before. If anyone wants to take a shot at converting that to a date, go ahead and let me know how you did it.
Other files of interest:
thumbindex.tid - This is an index of all images and paths to them.
wordhash.dat - Picasa indexes as much metadata as it can, so that you can search based off of it. This file contains all parsed text from the images and their metadata.
repository.dat - This is a description of the database format used by picasa.
I went ahead and downloaded picasa. Installation was quick and right after install, picasa wants to scan your entire hard drive for images so it can organize them. Cool! I was amazed at what was found on my computer in that I had forgotten about the presentation material I'd created a few years ago.
Anyways, I figured it would be worth it to run an analysis of picasa and share what I've found so far.
File Locations:
C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\
Registry Locations:
"lastmypics"="\\serutciP yM\\stnemucoD yM\\ylfgoh\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C"
"lastmydocs"="\\stnemucoD yM\\ylfgoh\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C"
"lastdesktop"="\\potkseD\\ylfgoh\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C"
"Picasa Notifier"="rect(779 426 800 475)"
"mainwinpos"="rect(0 0 800 574)"
"AppPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Picasa2\\Picasa2.exe"
Ok, there's a lot there in the registry, and I'll start with preferences. Most of it's pretty straight forward, except for the paths that are reversed (what in the world is that all about?). Of particular value, is the last album selected. This value gets updated when picasa closes. It appears to be an MD5sum - probably of the timedate and name of the album combined. However, there's an easier way to determine what the value is.
in the db2 directory there are a number of files. The important files for this are albumdata_token.pmp, albumdata_uid.pmp and albumdata_name.pmp
Here are the contents of the files:
albumdata_name.pmp - this is the name of the albums in picasa. The first two are defaults and are not included in any of the other files.
Starred Photos
Sample Pictures
albumdata_uid.pmp - This is where the hashes are.
albumdata_token.pmp - Here's we see the uid applied to create a token for the albums. Note that "star" and "screensaver" do not have uids.
Now, if we look at the lastalbumselected value in the registry, we can pair it up to the hash since these files are all listed in the same order. If you exclude star and screensaver you can see that the lastalbumselected for me was sam3.
You can even go one step further if you include albumdata_filename.pmp. This file also matches up to the other files, except I forgot to mention one thing. "root" is literally the root of the logical drive that picasa searched(in this case C:), so it is excluded from albumdata_filename.pmp. This file contains the path to where the images are stored.
Other files to pay attention to:
These all follow the good old thumbs.db structure and contain thumbnails of all of the images at various resolutions, since picasa can send files directly to photo processing businesses.
One other thing that is of pretty vital importance in terms of proving that someone created an album and that the program didn't just index something.
In the Picasa2Albums directory you'll see a file for each of the album(s) created by the user under the folder using the DBID as its name. Below are the contents of the album I created stored in a file named c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d.pal.
* I had to remove the leading bracket as blogger wanted to parse it *
'property name="uid" type="string" value="c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d">
'property name="category" type="num" value="0">
'property name="date" type="real64" value="39272.630035">
'property name="token" type="string" value="]album:c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d">
'property name="name" type="string" value="Sammy">
It's pretty self explanatory. You can see the DBID (happens to match the updateid, so that's good), you see the albumid which as I've already shown, ties to Sammy. One oddity, is the Real64 date value. Real64 is a float data type using 64 bits, but I've never run across it for a date stamp before. If anyone wants to take a shot at converting that to a date, go ahead and let me know how you did it.
Other files of interest:
thumbindex.tid - This is an index of all images and paths to them.
wordhash.dat - Picasa indexes as much metadata as it can, so that you can search based off of it. This file contains all parsed text from the images and their metadata.
repository.dat - This is a description of the database format used by picasa.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Sansa MP3 player - C250
I recently collected a sansa mp3 player - model c250 from a friend and figured I'd share what I've found and some of the tests I ran on it.
First, I grabbed an image of the device by attaching it to my Tableau T8 Forensic USB bridge. These are great if you don't already have one.
Once connected, I fired up FTK imager to grab an image of the device. In 650 MB chunks, that's 3 files, not a big deal. I tend to like collecting in cd size chunks as a best practice, because if there are bad sectors or other forms of corrupted data, I've only hopefully lost at most 650MB. However, for analysis I like to work off of a monolithic image. On windows, combining files can be done a few ways but I like to use UnxUtils, and cat (as if I were on my linux box).
It's just a simple matter to cat the files together.
cat sansamp3player.00* >> sansa_mp3player.dd
A monolithic file tends to work better for me when using winhex..so on with the show.
Immediately I notice 2 partitions, one is FAT16 and is 1.9GB in size, and another partition is ~20MB and is unrecognized by Winhex but it's identifier is 84 which according to documentation is for "suspend to disk" or Hibernation partitions. This by itself has spawned more thoughts than I'll put in this entry but suffice it to say that "suspend to disk" and "suspend to ram" deserve someone spending some time to look in to them.
One question you might ask, is why would they use partition type 84 for an MP3 player? Well, my best guess is that due to the constant power state changes of the device, it needs the ability to remember how it was configured before you turned the device off and it needs to turn on quickly - both of which are provided by suspending to disk.
The ~20MB partition appears to contain the primary_bootloader for the device and the sansa firmware. After a little searching I came across this site which provides a lot of information on the sansa mp3 players. The firmware for these devices according to Daniel's site is stored as an encrypted .mi4 file in the hibernation partition. So, how do we get access? I used sleuthkit and dd..
hogfly@loki:~$ /usr/local/sleuthkit/bin/mmls sansa_mp3player.dd
DOS Partition Table
Offset Sector: 0
Units are in 512-byte sectors
Slot Start End Length Description
00: ----- 0000000000 0000000000 0000000001 Primary Table (#0)
01: ----- 0000000001 0000000514 0000000514 Unallocated
02: 00:00 0000000515 0003885055 0003884541 DOS FAT16 (0x06)
03: 00:01 0003885056 0003926015 0000040960 Hibernation (0x84)
Ok, so we now see where the hibernation partition begins (sector 3885056) and can extract this partition using dd.
hogfly@loki:~$ dd if=sansa_mp3player.dd bs=512 skip=3885056 of=hibernat.dd
40960+0 records in
40960+0 records out
20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 0.721501 seconds, 29.1 MB/s
Now, I've got the hibernation file system extracted so I can experiment with Daniel's code.
I downloaded cutit.c and mi4code.c and compiled like so:
gcc -o mi4code mi4code.c -lgcrypt
gcc -o cutit cutit.c
Now it's a matter of execution..
hogfly@loki:~$ ./cutit hibernat.dd firm.mi4
seek done
firmware size: 3221504 bytes
Wrote 16384 bytes
[repeated many more times]
operation complete
firm.mi4 is a copy of the firmware used by the sansa c250 and it's now extracted from the image. At this point I could go ahead with the mi4code binary and begin an in depth examination of the firmware, but I'm holding off on that because for this, it serves no purpose other than perhaps validation.
On to the data partition...
The file structure as I found the device was as follows (this is really long by the way) and was generated by tree:
| version.sdk
| \---0
| +---0
| | +---0
| | +---1
| | +---2
| | +---3
| | +---4
| | | 00000044.DAT
| | | 0000004A.DAT
| | | 0000004F.DAT
| | |
| | +---5
| | | 00000054.DAT
| | | 00000059.DAT
| | | 0000005F.DAT
| | |
| | +---6
| | | 00000060.DAT
| | | 00000061.DAT
| | | 00000062.DAT
| | | 00000063.DAT
| | | 00000064.DAT
| | | 00000065.DAT
| | | 00000066.DAT
| | | 00000067.DAT
| | | 00000068.DAT
| | | 00000069.DAT
| | |
| | +---7
| | | 00000070.DAT
| | | 00000071.DAT
| | |
| | +---8
| | +---9
| | +---A
| | +---B
| | +---C
| | +---D
| | +---E
| | \---F
| +---1
| | +---0
| | +---1
| | +---2
| | +---3
| | +---4
| | +---5
| | +---6
| | +---7
| | +---8
| | +---9
| | +---A
| | +---B
| | +---C
| | | 000001CE.DAT
| | | 000001CF.DAT
| | |
| | +---D
| | | 000001D0.DAT
| | | 000001D1.DAT
| | | 000001D2.DAT
| | | 000001D3.DAT
| | | 000001D4.DAT
| | | 000001D5.DAT
| | | 000001D6.DAT
| | | 000001D7.DAT
| | | 000001D8.DAT
| | | 000001D9.DAT
| | | 000001DA.DAT
| | | 000001DB.DAT
| | | 000001DC.DAT
| | | 000001DD.DAT
| | | 000001DE.DAT
| | | 000001DF.DAT
| | |
| | +---E
| | | 000001E0.DAT
| | | 000001E1.DAT
| | | 000001E2.DAT
| | | 000001E3.DAT
| | | 000001E4.DAT
| | | 000001E5.DAT
| | | 000001E6.DAT
| | | 000001E7.DAT
| | | 000001E8.DAT
| | | 000001E9.DAT
| | | 000001EA.DAT
| | | 000001EB.DAT
| | | 000001EC.DAT
| | | 000001ED.DAT
| | | 000001EE.DAT
| | | 000001EF.DAT
| | |
| | \---F
| | 000001F0.DAT
| | 000001F1.DAT
| | 000001F2.DAT
| | 000001F3.DAT
| | 000001F4.DAT
| | 000001F5.DAT
| | 000001F6.DAT
| | 000001F7.DAT
| | 000001F8.DAT
| | 000001F9.DAT
| | 000001FA.DAT
| | 000001FB.DAT
| | 000001FC.DAT
| | 000001FD.DAT
| | 000001FE.DAT
| | 000001FF.DAT
| |
| +---2
| | +---0
| | | 00000200.DAT
| | | 00000201.DAT
| | | 00000202.DAT
| | | 00000203.DAT
| | | 00000204.DAT
| | | 00000205.DAT
| | | 00000206.DAT
| | | 00000207.DAT
| | | 00000208.DAT
| | | 00000209.DAT
| | | 0000020A.DAT
| | | 0000020B.DAT
| | | 0000020C.DAT
| | | 0000020D.DAT
| | | 0000020E.DAT
| | | 0000020F.DAT
| | |
| | +---1
| | | 00000210.DAT
| | | 00000211.DAT
| | | 00000212.DAT
| | | 00000213.DAT
| | | 00000214.DAT
| | | 00000215.DAT
| | | 00000216.DAT
| | | 00000217.DAT
| | | 00000218.DAT
| | | 00000219.DAT
| | | 0000021A.DAT
| | | 0000021B.DAT
| | | 0000021C.DAT
| | | 0000021D.DAT
| | | 0000021E.DAT
| | | 0000021F.DAT
| | |
| | +---2
| | | 00000220.DAT
| | | 00000221.DAT
| | | 00000222.DAT
| | | 00000223.DAT
| | | 00000224.DAT
| | | 00000225.DAT
| | | 00000226.DAT
| | | 00000227.DAT
| | | 00000228.DAT
| | | 00000229.DAT
| | | 0000022A.DAT
| | | 0000022B.DAT
| | | 0000022C.DAT
| | | 0000022D.DAT
| | | 0000022E.DAT
| | | 0000022F.DAT
| | |
| | +---3
| | | 00000230.DAT
| | | 00000231.DAT
| | | 00000232.DAT
| | | 00000233.DAT
| | | 00000234.DAT
| | | 00000235.DAT
| | | 00000236.DAT
| | | 00000237.DAT
| | | 00000238.DAT
| | | 00000239.DAT
| | | 0000023A.DAT
| | | 0000023B.DAT
| | | 0000023C.DAT
| | | 0000023D.DAT
| | | 0000023E.DAT
| | | 0000023F.DAT
| | |
| | +---4
| | | 00000240.DAT
| | | 00000241.DAT
| | | 00000242.DAT
| | | 00000243.DAT
| | | 00000244.DAT
| | | 00000245.DAT
| | | 00000246.DAT
| | | 00000247.DAT
| | | 00000248.DAT
| | | 00000249.DAT
| | | 0000024A.DAT
| | | 0000024B.DAT
| | | 0000024C.DAT
| | | 0000024D.DAT
| | | 0000024E.DAT
| | | 0000024F.DAT
| | |
| | +---5
| | | 00000250.DAT
| | | 00000251.DAT
| | | 00000252.DAT
| | | 00000253.DAT
| | | 00000254.DAT
| | | 00000255.DAT
| | | 00000256.DAT
| | | 00000257.DAT
| | | 00000258.DAT
| | | 00000259.DAT
| | | 0000025A.DAT
| | | 0000025B.DAT
| | | 0000025C.DAT
| | | 0000025D.DAT
| | | 0000025E.DAT
| | | 0000025F.DAT
| | |
| | +---6
| | | 00000260.DAT
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| | |
| | +---7
| | | 00000270.DAT
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| | |
| | +---8
| | | 00000280.DAT
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| | |
| | +---9
| | | 00000290.DAT
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| | | 00000299.DAT
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| | |
| | +---A
| | | 000002A0.DAT
| | | 000002A1.DAT
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| | | 000002A3.DAT
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| | |
| | +---B
| | | 000002B2.DAT
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| | | 000002BB.DAT
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| | |
| | +---C
| | | 000002C0.DAT
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| | | 000002CA.DAT
| | | 000002CB.DAT
| | | 000002CC.DAT
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| | | 000002CF.DAT
| | |
| | +---D
| | | 000002D0.DAT
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| | | 000002DA.DAT
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| | |
| | +---E
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| | \---F
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| |
| \---3
| +---0
| | 00000300.DAT
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| +---1
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| +---2
| | 00000320.DAT
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| +---3
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| +---4
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| +---5
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| +---6
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| +---7
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| +---8
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| +---9
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| +---A
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| | 000003AA.DAT
| | 000003AB.DAT
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| |
| +---B
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| | 000003B9.DAT
| | 000003BA.DAT
| | 000003BB.DAT
| | 000003BC.DAT
| | 000003BD.DAT
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| | 000003BF.DAT
| |
| \---C
| 000003C0.DAT
| 000003C1.DAT
| 000003C2.DAT
| 000003C3.DAT
| 000003C4.DAT
| 000003C5.DAT
| 000003C6.DAT
| 000003C7.DAT
Well, as you can see it holds a lot of stuff for only 2GB!
First, what's important?
Everything is listed as a .DAT - even though they really aren't. There are .jpg's, mp3's, .wav, .wma files all listed there, so you want to run it through a file type identifier. This behavior appears to be tied to media players and playlists although I've not been able to replicate it yet. Sandisk also uses a media converter program to get photos to the device.
The Data directory contains .pdb files, each of which correspond to a menu in the device for music identification. Mainly they are used for organization and song recognition. I've tried a number of palm database dumping utilities to no avail on all but one .pdb file.
Object.PDB seems to be where file information gets stored for every file on the device. I downloaded palmdump and ran it against the Object.PDB file.
C:\temp\palmdump>palmdump.exe j:\SYSTEM\DATA\OBJECT.PDB > dump.txt
Database name:
Flags: 0x400
Version: 0x0
Creation time: PC/Unix time: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
Modification time: PC/Unix time: Mon Aug 28 17:41:20 1972
Backup time: Never
Modification number: 0
Application Info offset: 0
Sort Info offset: 0
Unique ID: 0
Next record ID: 0
Number of records: 1536
Looks like a bunch of meaningless data, and the times are incorrect. I have to wonder if sandisk has done something a little different with their databases and palmdump and other tools just can't decode it properly. I'm not a palm programmer by any means but if anyone wants to shed some light on this, please do.
Anyways, the number of records is what was most interesting. The only record to actually contain something was record 1535. Running strings against this resulted in a complete listing of all files on the device.
MTPcontent - the device operates in two modes when, MTP and MCP. These are modes of communication so the device can be seen by the host computer. This directory seems to be reserved for copy operations directly from media players on host computers.
WMDRMPD - This is...you guessed it, related to DRM. It's Windows Media DRM for Portable Devices. I don't have media player 10 installed but it's said that one were to copy files from media player directly to the device, then they would end up here. Store.HDS is the DRM license.
One other interesting factoid...As I found the device, it contained a bunch of .DS_Store files and a ._.Trashes file. These files are a dead give away if you examine one of these. They mean that the device was at one point connected to a MAC. These are artifacts left on the device during a file copy and delete operation. Here's the header from ._.Trashes.
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
00D9FA00 00 05 16 07 00 02 00 00 4D 61 63 20 4F 53 20 58 Mac OS X
00D9FA10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 02 00 00 00 09 00 00
00D9FA20 00 32 00 00 0E B0 00 00 00 02 00 00 0E E2 00 00 2 ° â
00D9FA30 01 1E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 @
00D9FA40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00D9FA50 00 00 00 00 41 54 54 52 3B 9A C9 FF 00 00 0E E2 ATTR;šÉÿ â
00D9FA60 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 x
The device has a built in format capability which as we all know will "wipe" data from the device so you can re-use it. Naturally the now unallocated data is recoverable.
After formatting, I decided to try a copy operation to the device. First I ripped my Metallica CD "And Justice For All" to MP3's using FreeRIP and copied them to the MUSIC directory. The object.pdb file was updated (the device goes through a "refresh database" cycle after unplugging it from your computer. There was nothing in the MTPcontent directories so this further supports the notion that MTPcontent is reserved for copying music to the device through a media player of some form. **Hint , if you examine one of these devices and find files in this directory, search media player configurations on the host computer**
There's more to play with on this device, but that's a good start I think.
First, I grabbed an image of the device by attaching it to my Tableau T8 Forensic USB bridge. These are great if you don't already have one.
Once connected, I fired up FTK imager to grab an image of the device. In 650 MB chunks, that's 3 files, not a big deal. I tend to like collecting in cd size chunks as a best practice, because if there are bad sectors or other forms of corrupted data, I've only hopefully lost at most 650MB. However, for analysis I like to work off of a monolithic image. On windows, combining files can be done a few ways but I like to use UnxUtils, and cat (as if I were on my linux box).
It's just a simple matter to cat the files together.
cat sansamp3player.00* >> sansa_mp3player.dd
A monolithic file tends to work better for me when using winhex..so on with the show.
Immediately I notice 2 partitions, one is FAT16 and is 1.9GB in size, and another partition is ~20MB and is unrecognized by Winhex but it's identifier is 84 which according to documentation is for "suspend to disk" or Hibernation partitions. This by itself has spawned more thoughts than I'll put in this entry but suffice it to say that "suspend to disk" and "suspend to ram" deserve someone spending some time to look in to them.
One question you might ask, is why would they use partition type 84 for an MP3 player? Well, my best guess is that due to the constant power state changes of the device, it needs the ability to remember how it was configured before you turned the device off and it needs to turn on quickly - both of which are provided by suspending to disk.
The ~20MB partition appears to contain the primary_bootloader for the device and the sansa firmware. After a little searching I came across this site which provides a lot of information on the sansa mp3 players. The firmware for these devices according to Daniel's site is stored as an encrypted .mi4 file in the hibernation partition. So, how do we get access? I used sleuthkit and dd..
hogfly@loki:~$ /usr/local/sleuthkit/bin/mmls sansa_mp3player.dd
DOS Partition Table
Offset Sector: 0
Units are in 512-byte sectors
Slot Start End Length Description
00: ----- 0000000000 0000000000 0000000001 Primary Table (#0)
01: ----- 0000000001 0000000514 0000000514 Unallocated
02: 00:00 0000000515 0003885055 0003884541 DOS FAT16 (0x06)
03: 00:01 0003885056 0003926015 0000040960 Hibernation (0x84)
Ok, so we now see where the hibernation partition begins (sector 3885056) and can extract this partition using dd.
hogfly@loki:~$ dd if=sansa_mp3player.dd bs=512 skip=3885056 of=hibernat.dd
40960+0 records in
40960+0 records out
20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 0.721501 seconds, 29.1 MB/s
Now, I've got the hibernation file system extracted so I can experiment with Daniel's code.
I downloaded cutit.c and mi4code.c and compiled like so:
gcc -o mi4code mi4code.c -lgcrypt
gcc -o cutit cutit.c
Now it's a matter of execution..
hogfly@loki:~$ ./cutit hibernat.dd firm.mi4
seek done
firmware size: 3221504 bytes
Wrote 16384 bytes
[repeated many more times]
operation complete
firm.mi4 is a copy of the firmware used by the sansa c250 and it's now extracted from the image. At this point I could go ahead with the mi4code binary and begin an in depth examination of the firmware, but I'm holding off on that because for this, it serves no purpose other than perhaps validation.
On to the data partition...
The file structure as I found the device was as follows (this is really long by the way) and was generated by tree:
| version.sdk
| \---0
| +---0
| | +---0
| | +---1
| | +---2
| | +---3
| | +---4
| | | 00000044.DAT
| | | 0000004A.DAT
| | | 0000004F.DAT
| | |
| | +---5
| | | 00000054.DAT
| | | 00000059.DAT
| | | 0000005F.DAT
| | |
| | +---6
| | | 00000060.DAT
| | | 00000061.DAT
| | | 00000062.DAT
| | | 00000063.DAT
| | | 00000064.DAT
| | | 00000065.DAT
| | | 00000066.DAT
| | | 00000067.DAT
| | | 00000068.DAT
| | | 00000069.DAT
| | |
| | +---7
| | | 00000070.DAT
| | | 00000071.DAT
| | |
| | +---8
| | +---9
| | +---A
| | +---B
| | +---C
| | +---D
| | +---E
| | \---F
| +---1
| | +---0
| | +---1
| | +---2
| | +---3
| | +---4
| | +---5
| | +---6
| | +---7
| | +---8
| | +---9
| | +---A
| | +---B
| | +---C
| | | 000001CE.DAT
| | | 000001CF.DAT
| | |
| | +---D
| | | 000001D0.DAT
| | | 000001D1.DAT
| | | 000001D2.DAT
| | | 000001D3.DAT
| | | 000001D4.DAT
| | | 000001D5.DAT
| | | 000001D6.DAT
| | | 000001D7.DAT
| | | 000001D8.DAT
| | | 000001D9.DAT
| | | 000001DA.DAT
| | | 000001DB.DAT
| | | 000001DC.DAT
| | | 000001DD.DAT
| | | 000001DE.DAT
| | | 000001DF.DAT
| | |
| | +---E
| | | 000001E0.DAT
| | | 000001E1.DAT
| | | 000001E2.DAT
| | | 000001E3.DAT
| | | 000001E4.DAT
| | | 000001E5.DAT
| | | 000001E6.DAT
| | | 000001E7.DAT
| | | 000001E8.DAT
| | | 000001E9.DAT
| | | 000001EA.DAT
| | | 000001EB.DAT
| | | 000001EC.DAT
| | | 000001ED.DAT
| | | 000001EE.DAT
| | | 000001EF.DAT
| | |
| | \---F
| | 000001F0.DAT
| | 000001F1.DAT
| | 000001F2.DAT
| | 000001F3.DAT
| | 000001F4.DAT
| | 000001F5.DAT
| | 000001F6.DAT
| | 000001F7.DAT
| | 000001F8.DAT
| | 000001F9.DAT
| | 000001FA.DAT
| | 000001FB.DAT
| | 000001FC.DAT
| | 000001FD.DAT
| | 000001FE.DAT
| | 000001FF.DAT
| |
| +---2
| | +---0
| | | 00000200.DAT
| | | 00000201.DAT
| | | 00000202.DAT
| | | 00000203.DAT
| | | 00000204.DAT
| | | 00000205.DAT
| | | 00000206.DAT
| | | 00000207.DAT
| | | 00000208.DAT
| | | 00000209.DAT
| | | 0000020A.DAT
| | | 0000020B.DAT
| | | 0000020C.DAT
| | | 0000020D.DAT
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| | | 0000020F.DAT
| | |
| | +---1
| | | 00000210.DAT
| | | 00000211.DAT
| | | 00000212.DAT
| | | 00000213.DAT
| | | 00000214.DAT
| | | 00000215.DAT
| | | 00000216.DAT
| | | 00000217.DAT
| | | 00000218.DAT
| | | 00000219.DAT
| | | 0000021A.DAT
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| | | 0000021C.DAT
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| | |
| | +---2
| | | 00000220.DAT
| | | 00000221.DAT
| | | 00000222.DAT
| | | 00000223.DAT
| | | 00000224.DAT
| | | 00000225.DAT
| | | 00000226.DAT
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| | | 00000229.DAT
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| | |
| | +---3
| | | 00000230.DAT
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| | | 00000236.DAT
| | | 00000237.DAT
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| | |
| | +---4
| | | 00000240.DAT
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| | | 00000245.DAT
| | | 00000246.DAT
| | | 00000247.DAT
| | | 00000248.DAT
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| | |
| | +---5
| | | 00000250.DAT
| | | 00000251.DAT
| | | 00000252.DAT
| | | 00000253.DAT
| | | 00000254.DAT
| | | 00000255.DAT
| | | 00000256.DAT
| | | 00000257.DAT
| | | 00000258.DAT
| | | 00000259.DAT
| | | 0000025A.DAT
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| | | 0000025C.DAT
| | | 0000025D.DAT
| | | 0000025E.DAT
| | | 0000025F.DAT
| | |
| | +---6
| | | 00000260.DAT
| | | 00000261.DAT
| | | 00000262.DAT
| | | 00000263.DAT
| | | 00000264.DAT
| | | 00000265.DAT
| | | 00000266.DAT
| | | 00000267.DAT
| | | 00000268.DAT
| | | 00000269.DAT
| | | 0000026A.DAT
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| | | 0000026C.DAT
| | | 0000026D.DAT
| | | 0000026E.DAT
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| | |
| | +---7
| | | 00000270.DAT
| | | 00000271.DAT
| | | 00000272.DAT
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| | | 00000275.DAT
| | | 00000276.DAT
| | | 00000277.DAT
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| | | 00000279.DAT
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| | | 0000027C.DAT
| | | 0000027D.DAT
| | | 0000027E.DAT
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| | |
| | +---8
| | | 00000280.DAT
| | | 00000281.DAT
| | | 00000282.DAT
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| | | 00000286.DAT
| | | 00000287.DAT
| | | 00000288.DAT
| | | 00000289.DAT
| | | 0000028A.DAT
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| | | 0000028C.DAT
| | | 0000028D.DAT
| | | 0000028E.DAT
| | | 0000028F.DAT
| | |
| | +---9
| | | 00000290.DAT
| | | 00000291.DAT
| | | 00000292.DAT
| | | 00000293.DAT
| | | 00000294.DAT
| | | 00000297.DAT
| | | 00000298.DAT
| | | 00000299.DAT
| | | 0000029A.DAT
| | | 0000029B.DAT
| | | 0000029C.DAT
| | | 0000029D.DAT
| | | 0000029E.DAT
| | | 0000029F.DAT
| | |
| | +---A
| | | 000002A0.DAT
| | | 000002A1.DAT
| | | 000002A2.DAT
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Well, as you can see it holds a lot of stuff for only 2GB!
First, what's important?
Everything is listed as a .DAT - even though they really aren't. There are .jpg's, mp3's, .wav, .wma files all listed there, so you want to run it through a file type identifier. This behavior appears to be tied to media players and playlists although I've not been able to replicate it yet. Sandisk also uses a media converter program to get photos to the device.
The Data directory contains .pdb files, each of which correspond to a menu in the device for music identification. Mainly they are used for organization and song recognition. I've tried a number of palm database dumping utilities to no avail on all but one .pdb file.
Object.PDB seems to be where file information gets stored for every file on the device. I downloaded palmdump and ran it against the Object.PDB file.
C:\temp\palmdump>palmdump.exe j:\SYSTEM\DATA\OBJECT.PDB > dump.txt
Database name:
Flags: 0x400
Version: 0x0
Creation time: PC/Unix time: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
Modification time: PC/Unix time: Mon Aug 28 17:41:20 1972
Backup time: Never
Modification number: 0
Application Info offset: 0
Sort Info offset: 0
Unique ID: 0
Next record ID: 0
Number of records: 1536
Looks like a bunch of meaningless data, and the times are incorrect. I have to wonder if sandisk has done something a little different with their databases and palmdump and other tools just can't decode it properly. I'm not a palm programmer by any means but if anyone wants to shed some light on this, please do.
Anyways, the number of records is what was most interesting. The only record to actually contain something was record 1535. Running strings against this resulted in a complete listing of all files on the device.
MTPcontent - the device operates in two modes when, MTP and MCP. These are modes of communication so the device can be seen by the host computer. This directory seems to be reserved for copy operations directly from media players on host computers.
WMDRMPD - This is...you guessed it, related to DRM. It's Windows Media DRM for Portable Devices. I don't have media player 10 installed but it's said that one were to copy files from media player directly to the device, then they would end up here. Store.HDS is the DRM license.
One other interesting factoid...As I found the device, it contained a bunch of .DS_Store files and a ._.Trashes file. These files are a dead give away if you examine one of these. They mean that the device was at one point connected to a MAC. These are artifacts left on the device during a file copy and delete operation. Here's the header from ._.Trashes.
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
00D9FA00 00 05 16 07 00 02 00 00 4D 61 63 20 4F 53 20 58 Mac OS X
00D9FA10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 02 00 00 00 09 00 00
00D9FA20 00 32 00 00 0E B0 00 00 00 02 00 00 0E E2 00 00 2 ° â
00D9FA30 01 1E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 @
00D9FA40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00D9FA50 00 00 00 00 41 54 54 52 3B 9A C9 FF 00 00 0E E2 ATTR;šÉÿ â
00D9FA60 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 x
The device has a built in format capability which as we all know will "wipe" data from the device so you can re-use it. Naturally the now unallocated data is recoverable.
After formatting, I decided to try a copy operation to the device. First I ripped my Metallica CD "And Justice For All" to MP3's using FreeRIP and copied them to the MUSIC directory. The object.pdb file was updated (the device goes through a "refresh database" cycle after unplugging it from your computer. There was nothing in the MTPcontent directories so this further supports the notion that MTPcontent is reserved for copying music to the device through a media player of some form. **Hint , if you examine one of these devices and find files in this directory, search media player configurations on the host computer**
There's more to play with on this device, but that's a good start I think.
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